Friday, April 30, 2010

Water Treatment

High water and soil pH levels in Pakistan have hampered the ability to bring about an efficient improvement in the agri sector. 

The ideal range of pH is around 6.  Most local soils are around the value of 8. 

Yesterday was at a presentation in Punjab Univ. on soil moisture sensors as a way to help in creating efficient watering practices.  Still doesn't help resolve the high pH issue, but can be one important component of the overall system. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dilemma over Maize Harvester

The maize harvesters from the big multinational as well as from the local dude who rents it out is booked for this entire season.  Left with little choice other than to either spend 500,000 rupees on a single row maize harvester (apparently bought from Turkey) or go with local labor who cuts and then chops it up. 

The silage bunker is finally beginning to rise up out of the ground. 

As a backup, the manure bunker is being cleared as a backup in case the silage bunker isn't ready come harvesting time. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Costing for Shed and Silage Bunker

To meet the deadline by which the animals are to be bought, costing of shed was calculated.  Despite going for a low-cost shed, it is quite an expense.  A local farmer has advised using asbestos sheets as the new versions are non-cancerous.  Asbestos provides sufficient cooling which is going to be a big plus for the animals in the summer months.  As it is, summer has arrived without waiting for spring's turn. 

The 90 day silage crop is an even more critical deadline as the silage bunkers must be ready for it.  The costing has been complete and it is now time to construct these. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sewerage seeps in

Sewerage water kept seeping into the recently land-leveled field.  Some say the new housing society nearby is preventing the village sewage from entering into its temporary pond. The accumulated sewage is pressing the boundary wall and seeps through the bricks.  Some action needs to be taken to prevent the adjoining land area loss.